Hi, there. I feel like I've been relatively positive the last few weeks which has felt really good, but there was something in the air this morning.
I just wasn't feeling...anything. I feel like there are a few things this week that are leaving me a little stressed—filing my taxes, getting myself to therapy, even making dinners this week feels daunting (I'm running out of ideas, people! ;) ).
Definitely trying to turn my brain around before it gets too far gone. These are all "stressors" a lot of people would gladly trade their real problems for, so I know I need to get it together.
The sun is shining, my coffee tastes good, I work with fantastic people. It's going to be a good week. And if it's not...it will be a fine week. And that's OK too.
Let's do a little recapping, shall we?
I met Chelsie Friday night after work for mani/pedis and dinner. It was so, so nice to do a little pampering, in both mani/pedi form and Miller Lite and carb form.
I went with Mademoiselle by Essie on my nails and Carry On (a super dark color, but of course) by Essie on my toes.
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will never pass up an opportunity to take a ring pic ;) |
I got the rueben and onion rings with a Miller Lite and it hit the frickin spot.
I got home around 8 p.m. and watched Ellen and headed up to bed shortly after 9 p.m. which is becoming what I look forward to every Friday night now haha. Henry still has so much energy, it's hard to do much relaxing while he's awake, so I try to honor his 9-9:30 p.m. bedtime he has during the week (which is in place because I get up so early and have to go to bed at that time anyway haha) on Friday night as well (even though I don't have to get up as early Saturday morning) just so I can have some relaxation time in bed once he's in his crate. He, of course, immediately falls asleep once he's in there haha.
I planned to stay awake until Sammy got home from seeing a movie with his friends but definitely didn't make it and was probably asleep before 10:30 p.m. OLD WOMAN.
We left the house just before 11 a.m. on Saturday morning to head downtown to Metropolis for our cousin's husband's 30th birthday.
It was a really cool spot for a birthday party (there was even a first birthday a few tables over!) because it's dog and kid friendly. There were definitely more kids this year than any year before which is quickly becoming our new normal it seems. (I was also able to confirm my suspicion that another two babies will be welcomed into our family—god willing—by the time our wedding rolls around ;) ). Sammy said, "I guess this what family parties look like now!" I'm like YEP ;)
The sweetest little family. Christina organized a great party for Matt. They had bowls of popcorn out and had pizza delivered, as well as cannolis and mini cupcakes that were so good I was surprised to hear they were from Mariano's. It was all siblings, cousins, and friends. It was nice to be out together without the actual adults ;)
Everyone and their cute babies...and these two jamokes ;)
People have started to ask us about kids (the question I feel strongly should never be asked, ever) and are surprised when I say we haven't talked much about it. People think because we've dated for almost thirteen years we must have had every conversation known to man, but thirteen years means we've been dating since we were fourteen...and why would fourteen year olds be seriously talking about having kids? Realistically, there was no room for that conversation in our relationship until a year ago, maybe, if that. And we've definitely had to the very superficial kid conversation about what names we like and what we're excited to do once we have kids, etc., but nothing super serious.
We've started to talk a little more seriously about it just of late. I still am not sure time-wise, certainly sometime after the wedding but maybe not as far after as I initially thought. Seeing Sammy with kids certainly has my metaphorical ovaries sobbing though, that's for sure.
Sammy and his brother met their parents for a Bulls game after the party, so I went home to the suburbs, hung out with my mom for a while, and then popped on a Nancy Meyers movie and polished off a leftover bottle of strawberry and raspberry rossini (from Trader Joe's, so stupid good) by myself. Quickly becoming my favorite activity to do by myself.
I had some grand plans Sunday to do more "weekly planning" like meal prep for the entire week and clean some of the house and do a lot of laundry. I half-assed a lot of those tasks in favor of a lot of relaxation which was also much needed.
I washed all our bedding and Sammy's uniforms. Packed my lunch for today (I actually have lunch taken care of two days this week and only need to pack three lunches, so if there was a week to slack on the meal planning, it was this one), lazily dusted some surfaces, and made a new recipe for dinner.
It still felt productive and I got to get a lot of reading done and finished my book, watched new Family Guy episodes and got some snuggles, and finished the night by watching Something's Gotta Give, yes, again, because it is endlessly inspiring for me. I truly need Nancy Meyers to create a sample wedding registry so I can just follow her every move for the rest of my life. (And don't think I haven't tried finding her daughters' registries like the creep I am! 'Cause I have... with no such luck.)
So another good weekend in the books. I'm really loving these low-key weekends where I have stuff going on but also have time to get things done around the house and time to relax. My weekends in June are entirely booked up already, so I know we're quickly approaching life's busy season so I'm enjoying these slow weekends while I can.
I have some things that I've been putting off that need to get done now, like spring cleaning stuff, taxes, etc. I'm getting together this week with my dad and my brother so we can do our taxes together a.k.a write down whatever my dad tells me to because I'm a seven-year-old when it comes to my taxes.
And I think I'm going to try to tackle some Alex-specific spring cleaning checklist items during the week 'cause once the weekend rolls around, the time I tell myself when I'll get a lot of this stuff done, I don't want to do any of it. Hopefully I can designate one task per weekday and just bang it out in the next couple of weeks (my goal is to have my spring cleaning stuff done by May).
ANYWAY, hope everyone has a great week! xo
*linking up with Biana!
Such a fun weekend and I have to say your ring is GORGEOUS! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
ReplyDeleteAh, thanks so much, Biana!
DeleteIt sounds like a good weekend! I totally understand some weeks feeling more daunting than others, and we're all entitled to that feeling no matter what the stressors are. But I LOVE your attitude about tackling it all and I'm sure you will. :) Wishing you a good one!
ReplyDeleteThanks, lady!! xo
DeleteSounds like a great weekend!
Stella Cadente
It was :)
Deletethat ring pic though!!
ReplyDeleteHa! Thanks, lady ;)