Ya'll, I know, I'm insane. I almost didn't post this and was like, just scrap it, but as I scrolled through, I realized this is a lot of mundane stuff but it's stuff I want to document and remember. SO. More Christmas. It's your lucky day, reader ;)
This was taken during Shop with a Cop when officers are matched up with a child and get to go shopping early in the morning (like 5 a.m. early) before the store opens. And then they're treated to breakfast with Santa. When I saw this posted on the department's facebook page I was like YEP, save forever. I swear to god I love him more every time I see this smile. How do you deal? Also, these two guys are some of his closest coworkers (they talk in their group snapchat allllllll day long) and I couldn't be more grateful they're in our lives. I get emotional whenever I think about them. Not only are they seriously the nicest humans I've ever met, but they're the best counterpart of a inherently stressful job. They are each others backbone and it's so lovely to watch.
*only non-holiday favorite here OKAY?*
I was catching up on Cup of Jo the other day and found myself deep in the comments (they get the best comments ever) on a post about what romance means to each individual and I was CRYING at my desk at the beauty of some of these. Screenshotting like a mad woman over here and wanted to share a few favorites.
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^This gets me every.single.time. That last line? COME ON. |
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Absolutely could not agree with this more. |
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<3 |
I participated in the Salvation Army's angle tree again this year. I loved thinking about her as I shopped. She asked for a doll and a stroller (which isn't pictured but she did get!), Play-Doh, and clothes. That nightgown for her comes with a matching one for her doll!
A few weeks before Christmas, Sammy and I decorated our gingerbread house. Wasn't our best but we always enjoy doing it together. It's not lost on me how wild it is to be doing stuff like this, the stuff we've done for so many years, now in our own home. Wild.
A definite favorite as of late is the amount of outtakes we're left with whenever we try to include a picture of Henry in anything. HOW we got our Christmas card photo is behind me. Behold, some classic outtakes below.
On a random December Friday, I had plans to go by my girlfriend's for a girls night and since she lives so close to my mom's, I stopped by after work. I had some time to kill, so I laid in my mom's bed with the dog hehe. I loved getting to spend some uninterrupted quiet time after the work week—you forget how chill older dogs are when you have an energized puppy at home...
Alicia had us over for appetizers, desserts, and the best champagne punch everrrr. We sat around and talked which is always my favorite thing to do.
Her wedding photographer told us all to take one "silly" picture when we were taking our individuals, so Alicia gave those to us as gifts along with the "nicer" posed ones ;) I LOVE mine and have it on our bookcase in the library.
We've been having a hard time with our flower girl and ring bearer proposal ideas just because I can't seem to find anything that isn't too cheesy or overdone. I decided to nix all the standard stuff after a while and do my own thang. I found a flower girl book written by my queen Julie Andrews and knew I was getting a copy for all my flower girls. And since I asked our niece first, I finished her gift early. (Have yet to finish gifts for the other two flower girls. Super thoughtful bride over here.) For our niece, I added a flower gardening toy to her gift because I thought it would be fun nod to flowers but also something she can play with at this age. I knew anything clothes-related was out because they're all growing at a rapid speed, I didn't want to get anything they would grow out of in the next few months much less in the next year and a half.
This was a favorite, favorite view all holiday season long.
I waited for him to sit under the tree the entire month and he finally did it. Technically he was there to eat the bottom of the tree which he did INCESSANTLY but I can pretend otherwise. And I can't believe how small he looks here!
And while this in't a favorite persayyyy, having these kinds of mornings with my little family during the holidays (and always) where we do festive things, and yes, some of us cry..., are my favorite ;)
Henry's favorite is receiving his pup box. I got a deal on the first three and forgot to cancel after that *shh* so Sammy and I decided to wait to see what the holiday box would look like. I honestly love these so much. They have great stuff in them. I may try to convince him to let us keep it through Henry's first year.
Very, very happy his mother made him go on a walk in not one but TWO festive pieces of clothing.
At some point, I made lasagna soup and we both liked how it turned out! I think I'll make a few seasoning adjustments for next time, but it should become a nice winter staple.
I have so many pictures of our living room dressed up for Christmas on my phone. I just loved it so much.
One particular Saturday was such a long day for Hen because he barely got a nap (when he normally gets about a four-five hour nap/alone time) so by the end of the night I was actually able to watch a movie in peace because he curled up at my feet and slept. Praise.
White Christmas and my new favorite mug I will use for all eternity (which is, of course, blurry but says "cozyin' up with my Golden")
One Sunday we met Sammy's family downtown to do the Polar Express! The movie is not my fave, I kinda can't with the animation, even though it makes me cry every time. (I should probably get a copy of the book...) But we were excited to see how our niece absorbed everything. I was surprised at how engaged she was, but I can't wait until she's a few years older when that Christmas magic is really noticeable.
It was a pretty good time actually! The actors on the train do a nice job and you get a cookie and hot cocoa which I'm always down for. They sing songs, act out little scenes, read the book, etc.
The lights overhead kept changing which is why we're RED haha.
This next series of shots are some of my favorite ever. UGH SANTA. I can't with the magic of Santa. Call me super corny, cheesy, whatever, I don't care. But children are forever in awe with his presence (unless they're hysterically crying, in which case, they're not in awe haha) and Eliana was instantly calmed by him. And even said thank you for her bell which was so sweet.
Don't think I didn't take a bell ;) They're really pretty and sound great, so Sammy and I are putting them on our tree.
Sammy met up with some coworkers downtown CL when we got home that night, so I got Henry occupied with something—that lasted all of four minutes—and tried to finish One Day in December. I liked reading it during this time of year (it would be a good Jan and Feb read too!) and would recommend it to my romance fans out there.
Since this is the first year in our home, this is the first time we've had a mail carrier and neighbors of our own! Not our parents'! ;) So I put together little gifts and enjoyed doing it. They're nothing much, I wish we could have done more, but just a little something to say thank you.
Adding these as favorites because I love reading about and filing away gift ideas like these, and maybe you guys do too!
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Hand warmers and chocolate—I figured we couldn't go wrong with that. |
I've been bringing in her mail for her during this polar vortex we're experiencing so she doesn't have to leave the house and trudge through the snow and ice and she made me come in last week to show me her parsley plant—ha! She loves it. And is going to share some with me in the summer ;)
I also put this bucket out to thank our delivery drivers. I wish I had done it earlier because by the time I got it together, we only had a handful of deliveries still coming. But, next year!
One night, after Henry had gone to bed (a.k.a. was in his crate), I sat down to finish a majority of my bridesmaid proposal boxes.
The one with the candles and hair ties were for four of Sammy's younger cousins and I think they turned out so cute!
And this one is for our SIL and two of his older cousins. I made cards for all of them with our picture in it and included a mini bottle of champagne and monogrammed stemless flute.
On a random Wednesday night, Sammy and I packed thermoses of hot cocoa, loaded Henry into the car, and drove around for about a half hour to look at Christmas lights in town.
For a dog that's not super cuddly, he sure likes to be next to people a lot (he's desperately trying to climb into the front seat in this picture haha)
One of the houses we past had lit up deer in the yard and next to the fake deer...was a real deer! I couldn't believe it. We actually get a TON of deer in town, but usually near houses that are closer to forest preserves not homes in super residential areas haha. I loved seeing it, I think deer are so magical.
This guy is getting so big! (<--note from way back when I initially wrote this. He's even bigger now, of course.)
I came into work and found treats on my desk all week the week before Christmas. My coworkers are so kind!
And this is what I snuck in for them. Big lover of Coke over here, so I had to pass that along (plus I think it's especially festive at Christmas), as well as a little way to possibly win some money. I never buy lottery tickets but I weirdly love receiving them, so I thought they might as well.
My sister got me a bunch of self-care kits from Etsy which delivered throughout the days after Christmas. This one came in a mason jar and was so cute. It had a bunch of little homemade products and a wash cloth inside.
A few days after Christmas, Chelsie came to see me and we got lunch at Benedicts and got our nails done in downtown CL. For lunch, I had their holiday panini which was cranberry, brie, and turkey—my favorite combo of all time.
I loved this nail salon so, so much. Their prices and quality are amazing and I loved sitting in the pedicure chair and looking out onto Main Street.
I continued to take these self indulgent pictures because I can't help myself.
For NYE we did a bunch of somewhat healthy snacks and prosecco. I could literally eat like this every day.
He wanted those crackers SO bad.
That's a wrap on the holidays people, so, I know, move on. I'll probably be coming at you with another "favorites post New Years" post, but at least I'm working through my camera roll.
As always, thanks for reading. xo
I love your blog so much!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun recap. Love seeing the photos of Henry.
What do you do at your job? I have an English degree and I would love to work at a children's book company but there's no companies like that around where I live.
Amy @ https://befilledwithj0y.blogspot.com/
Thank you so much, Amy!! You're the best. Hehe I definitely take a lot of photos of him, that's for sure.
DeleteThat's a loaded question! My day to day changes each day, but there are definitely certain things I do on a daily basis. Maybe that should be a blog post?? Mainly I'm part of the collaborative book making process our publishing house has developed, but on the editorial side of things rather than the design/art side.
That sounds like a great job! A blog post about your job sounds awesome!