Friday, March 11, 2016

Spring To-Do List

Endlessly inspired by Emily Schuman, I decided come up with a spring to-do list after reading hers earlier this week.

Mine won't sounds exactly like Emily's, {if only my to-do list consisted of planning a girls weekend to Palm Springs and going wine tasting in Santa Barbara} but I will be adopting one or two items like better meal planning. Ah, and if only I, too, could find a vintage pair of Levi's. 

On to the to-dos! 

// watch a science documentary each week

// spend my Trader Joe's gift card on nourishing food

// try new combinations with my essential oils

// attend a workshop on {or practice at home} yoga nidra 

// read a significant chunk of a book each week 

// oven roast a new vegetable each week in large batches

// "spring clean" a different section of my room each week 

// keep flowers on my {new!} desk throughout the season


With this to-do list I was trying to rid my mind of all the mundane and seemingly obvious tasks that clutter my "every day" to-do list. I'm not going to forget to pay my credit card off {actually a huge goal for me as summer rolls around}, or do my homework, or make strides at work, so I didn't feel it necessary to include them on this list. This was intended to be seasonally specific and fun. & now I'm looking even more toward this new season {quickly!} approaching. 


{Linking up with loveliest ladies April and Andrea}

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