Friday, October 3, 2014

an introduction...

Hey guys!

I'm so excited to start this blogging journey. I've been a Blogger member for years now as I've sat on the sidelines reading countless other blogs that I've grown to love so much. I decided I needed to take the plunge and start my own :)

I came across an introduction post on Maggie's sweet blog and thought it was a perfect way of introducing myself to this blogland. Short and sweet. Hope she doesn't mind me stealing it ;)

Let's get to it!

name// Everyone calls me Alex with the exception of my parents who sometimes call me Ali, and thus Ali Rose was born :)

what you should know about me// Oh lord, I never know what to include in these types of questions. I suppose what I would want people to know about me is that I try to live a life I can be proud of. I thoroughly enjoy the little things in life (as cliche as that may sound) because I feel people often take those things for granted. I'm a kind, rambling, introvert. I find great comfort in being a a control freak, must-plan-everything, kind of person. & I firmly believe in family over everything.

loves of life// My family & friends, my boyfriend, my dog Benny, and Carrie Bradshaw (just kidding, but not really).

home// Chicago. Very blessed to call this beautiful city my home.

dream job// My dream job has always been to be a writer. It's all I can ever remember wanting to be and it's what I've been pursuing since. I've also recently ventured into the world of publishing as my master's degree will be in writing and publishing. Other dream jobs include: flight attendant (hello, flyer miles ;) ), makeup artist, party planner, and mother (which is my most coveted job... I challenge any 22 year old to have more parenting articles, tips, and other random baby-ness pinned on their Pinterest account. What can I say? I'm a planner.)

other half// My guy. Met him in elementary school. "Dated" him then but it didn't end well for my 9 year old self. We picked back up again in 8th grade (I know...) and we'll be celebrating our ninth anniversary together in April. Some people think we're nuts, and maybe we are, but I hold on to good things when I have them. He's the light of my life...and sometimes the pain my ass. Wouldn't have it any other way.

favorite food// HA! Anyone who knows me personally knows that food is one of the greatest joys in my life. I learned growing up, especially growing up in an Italian family and dating an Italian, that food is joyous. It is love. I take this obscenely literally. I don't know how easy it would be for me to choose one favorite food (I often have a hard time choosing a single favorite of anything) but if I had to I would have to choose pasta (what kind of an Italian girl would I be if I didn't?). Any shape or size, cooked anyway you can think. One thing I'm not is picky. And good bread. And mac & cheese (it's kind of an obsession... I would eat it everyday if I could). I just love food!

  at Eataly downtown Chicago

books// As self proclaimed writer I'm also a self proclaimed book nerd. I just love the magic books often have to offer. I've been getting into reading the classics lately but I'm also open to almost any kind of book. I've always loved Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray, Love) which might be totally female cliche but... over it! I also love anything James Frey has ever written (A Million Little Pieces). Currently, I've been binge reading Nora Ephron because I think she's an absolute genius and was taken from us entirely too soon. I highly recommend her because she's a complete joy, plus who didn't love When Harry Met Sally? Come on.

favorite quote// I actually have an answer for this! It's a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

I'd love to get life as much as Emerson seems to get it.

why I blog// Like I said, I've been a behind the scenes reader for years and have loved following other people's journeys (and will continue to do so) but it has also inspired me to document my own journey. I love the idea of having a virtual scrapbook to look back on years later, remembering things I may not have remembered had I not recorded it. I'm hoping this is the perfect place to do just that. I can't wait to be apart of this blog community I have heard so much about. Lifestyle blogs have always been my favorite as they combine all things I enjoy so much in my own life. I hope I can bring some inspiration and joy to your lives as well.

So, there it is! I'd love to hear from you guys... do we have anything in common? Totally different?

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