Happy Monday! It was a jam packed weekend, and while it was mostly fun (had a little dramatic ending), I had a moment last night where I was like, I'm so glad this is over haha. Very happy it's Monday which is a nice feeling!
I hung out at work a little later than normal, which would have been torture, but since I love my job, it wasn't bad at all. What a difference a few weeks makes--still can't believe it.
Sammy swung by and picked me up from work since we had a date night planned (since his birthday in February ;) ). We got some sushi before heading over to the United Center.
To see Elton John! His farewell tour dates came out right before Sammy's birthday back in February and he had casually mentioned how he would like to see him, so I grabbed some tickets as his big gift.
I knew he would be good, but I didn't know he would be THAT good. He was seriously incredible. I definitely forget how wonderful is voice is, like he's an amazing performer but just as a singer alone, he's incredible. And his band...omg. They are NUTSO talented.
My mom came over to watch Henry while we were at the concert (and the following night because have I mentioned my parents are saints?), so when we got home, she had all our mail organized and waiting for us haha. And I received the BEST surprise from one of my bridesmaids in the mail!
I mean...can you stand it? She has a dessert company as a side business and makes these incredible cookies. I can't believe she made these for me. The women in my life, man. I just can't believe how blessed I am.
I ended up saying goodbye to my boys so I could spend the night with my mom at her house so I could get up early the next morning and get started on packing up the remaining stuff in my room over there since we had plans to bring everything over our townhouse on Saturday.
You think you don't have a lot of stuff but then you try to pack it all up and realize you have a TON of stuff. It doesn't look like much here, but it was a big truck haha.
My siblings and parents helped me move everything (again, saints) because Sammy had to work (lucky guy) and it took longer than I expected but that's because I'm an idiot when it comes to time management ;) we were actually rather efficient which was great. It was still a super long day because I don't know when to quit while I'm ahead. My initial plan was to just get the furniture and stuff into our guest room and divided up into closets/storage spaces and then organize/style everything over the next few days/weeks. But, of course, once everything is in the room, I can't stop myself, so I ended up continuing to work on it when I should have stopped because I ended up stressing myself out and taking it out on Sammy, per usual haha. UGH.
But I eventually had to stop so we could get ready and head downtown to our friends who were having people over for Halloween. Phenom couple's costume, right? At least they're both owned by Disney ;)
My girlfriend and I decided on being Boo & Sully because we're five years old. And took my favorite series of photos ever taken.
If it wasn't clear, we were drinking heavily.
And this is how your girl ended up. SHOCKINGLY (or maybe not so...) I wasn't actually that drunk haha. I just seem to always look it--how lovely. Love when we act like we're still 21.
Even though I wasn't that drunk, I was still hungover Sunday morning and the last thing I wanted to do was bake, but we had Sammy's cousin's annual pumpkin party to go to and I had to bring something pumpkin, so I powered through and made pumpkin cream cheese muffins.
Christina has a pumpkin party every year where she serves pumpkin chili and cornbread and everyone else brings a pumpkin dish to share (and tupperware to take home leftovers!). And we all bring a candle for the candle swap.
It's one of my favorite days and she always does such a beautiful job hosting.
And I'm always taking pictures of their condo because her styling is absolute perfection.
And after making a visit to Sammy's grandma, we came home to a sick little guy. Without giving too many gross details, he had an upset stomach and had an accident in his crate while we were gone and while we were cleaning him and everythinggg in his crate, we discovered some blood, so Sammy took him to the animal hospital, while I took care of everything at home which included boiling chicken for his bland diet.
I've mentioned that he's not a cuddler, except when traumatic things happen to him haha so we ate this right up last night. I even stayed up later than I normally do because I didn't want to stop cuddling! :)
So that was our weekend! It felt like I was going from one thing to the next all weekend without being able to take a minute to breathe, so once Sammy left to take Henry to the hospital, my emotions and stress level got the best of me, and I had to have a good cry haha. Needless to say, I'm happy it's a new week.
Sammy works Halloween, but since he's off today, we're going to have our traditional Halloween date night tonight :) In past years, I've made everything because he always came over to my house for it, but since we live together now, he said he wants to make dinner. I'll take it!
Lots of exciting things this week: date night tonight, Halloween on Wednesday, my birthday on Thursday, and I leave on Friday for a little girl's trip to Florida. I have a feeling there will be many favorites to recap on Friday :)