Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Tuesday Confessions

One of my favorite posts to read are "confession" posts. I love to read about what people are feeling kind of guilty, confused, apathetic, proud, or whatever about! 

I wanted to do my own little post so here are some of my current confessions…

// I confess to bringing a cinnamon bun french toast bake to work for our department brunch-mas and only being moderately convinced it was cooked all the way through.

// I confess I had to double check the definition of apathetic.

// I confess to staying up until after 4am last night watching The Office resulting in only two hours of sleep. #worthit

// I confess to having a love affair with the oxford comma. I'm really into him.

// I confess I've never read Harry Potter and my coworkers are kindly peer pressuring me into reading at least the first book so I can participate in our Harry Potter day in the office come February 4th.

// I confess that I am currently struggling with figuring out how to combine lifestyle posts on this blog with creative writing posts while keeping within the same tone it has now. 

// I confess to watching Home Alone at least ten times so far this season, wearing my Home Alone sweater, and purchasing a "Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal" mug for my office white elephant party and being so, so proud of all of these things.

// I confess to trying to figure out how I can end up with my own white elephant gift.

// I confess that if I get dragged to see Star Wars my only motivation will be to see Harrison Ford on the big screen. 

// I confess to having a crush on Indiana Jones. Big time.

// I confess I've been desperately searching for a NYE dress. A sequin dress. And hating myself for it.

Any mid-week confessions anyone?


  1. As a devoted Harry Potter fan (I confess I listen to the audiobooks on repeat…), I am really curious about this Harry Potter day in the office. Also, I’m definitely guilty of trying to strategize for me to get my own white elephant gift too, I’m with you there!

    Always love confession posts :)

    1. My coworker is bringing me the first book tomorrow! So, the UK publishers who originally published Harry Potter have deemed February 4th Harry Potter day and you can request an "event kit" from them which one of my coworkers did haha. The plan is to maybe do Harry Potter trivia in our department and we're all bringing some food item to share that is Harry Potter related because a coworker has the "Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook" haha.

      Haha! I want that Home Alone mug I bought! I have good taste ;)

      Thanks for stopping by, girl!

  2. I'm guilty of enjoying the HP movies a little more than the books. I have read the books but I read the first ones when they came out (so I was in grades 5-7) and then a bunch came out in the summer and I was always at camp and I never got to read them. In university when the last few movies came out I did go back and read the later books. They're great books but I do think I would appreciate them more if I was to start over now and read them all from beginning to end.

    1. I just never got into them. I tried when I was a kid when they first came out and I have a hard time getting into the world for whatever reason and then when it became so, so, so, like ridiculously so popular I almost like boycotted it haha but I'll read for my coworkers! I promised to give the first one a try and then see if I like it enough to keep reading. They all keep telling me I will. Our Creative Manager at work has the Deathly Hallows (or whatever haha) symbol tattooed on her palm. Obviously they all like HP.
