Wednesday, September 4, 2019

And Almost Another Month Has Gone By...

& that's okay. No excuses over here for me. Just living life as usual but always wanting to post when I get the itch to do so. 

And it's FALL people ;) which always puts me in the blogging mood for some reason. OK so for some super random shit, here we go...

My end of summer, early fall uniform is in full swing.

I never get nail polish with sparkle but this color was called "Eiffel for This Color" so obviously I had to get it and put up with a little sheen.

Posted my "shameful stack" on my bookstagram aka all the books I want to read and feel bad I haven't gotten to yet.

These mother effers posted about TATBILB #2! Can't wait for Feb (actually I can but you know)

We celebrated one of our favorite girls during her awesomeee bachelorette party in Lake Delevan, WI.

The resort we stayed at was perfect for our group and super up the bride's alley.

We came prepared.


We spent time by the pool and then hopped on a boat for the afternoon and it was a great day.

We got ready later on and went to a bar on the resort's property.

It was so nice to spend time together, which I say all the time, but it WAS. And now the big day is next weekend! Can't believe it.

We've also been taking some dumb pictures lately.

I decided maybe I do like a wedding band after all??

I bought this at Target because the older I get the more I realize how much I LOVE the midwest.

We took some bookish pictures for my instagram and by "we" I mean me and my self timer.

We celebrate birthdays and work anniversaries each month at work and August's theme was space and it was so fun.

We've been trying to go to the dog park as often as we can because this guy's energy isn't slowing down for shit.

My grandma got some ehh health news recently so I took her out for lunch and a library date (well, kind of a library date, she sat in the car while I parked illegally and ran in to have her card renewed).

Henry took a bookish photo for me, looking handsome as ever.

My dad met Sammy and I so we could introduce Sammy's brother, SIL, and our niece to the wonder that is Allen's Corner.

Then we accompanied them to a petting zoo which had an old school on the property and I lived my best because if it's old, I'll love it.

Henry came with us to Chelsie and Dan's BBQ a few weekends ago and almost fell asleep sitting up.

And then fell asleep on my side when we got home.

I've, yet again, waited too long to utilize our fantastic set up we have outside. Actually this might be the perfect time to use it now that it's getting a wee bit cooler outside in the evenings. You can find me reading out here always.

I joined Planet Fitness which is simultaneously hilarious and also awesome. I'm really loving it which is a huge step up since I had such a negative experience at LA Fitness.

This one got an ear infection last week but was a very proper boy at the vet.

And hasn't been a total nut still or anything.

But will sometimes sit and let me read for like four minutes.

Labor Day weekend was a great weekend. I was off on Friday and went to the gym, did stuff around the house, read, took Henry to the dog park, did a little window shopping with Sammy for fall decor (fun fact about Sammy: he loves decor shopping, god bless him), and then took Henry to Dock's, a lakeside restaurant near our house, for dinner.

He half liked it, half wanted to leave the entire time.

I've been loving this book and hope to finish it before it's due back at the library this Friday.

Best friends forever, these two.

Saturday we thrifted for a while in the morning. I found a first edition American Harry Potter, so OKAY YOU NERDS, you caught me.

Then we did our own things with our friends: Sammy went up to Northern Illinois to watch them play Illinois State in football. And Morgan and I ventured to Elgin Books & Coffee, a used bookstore we really liked and will be visiting again.

Sunday we met my family for the Taste of Melrose and lived our best Italian food lives. I love being with my people so much it hurts my heart, so this day did me good.

And I made this very important and necessary purchase.

We came home and cleaned the house together (at Sammy's request since I'm trash and don't care about a clean house ;) ) and then spent time relaxing for the rest of the night.

Monday we spent time with Sammy's family at his grandma's and it was awesome to be together. And then Tuesday felt like a MONDAY, so that was fun. But I got to the gym in the morning and work was productive and I made chili for dinner, so really, it was all fine. 

I'm getting my haircut tonight which continues to be one of my favorite things to look forward to. My hair stylists comes to my house since she lives five minutes away and we chat the entire time, I just love her so much. And tomorrow night I'm meeting my dad for our monthly Chinese food date. 

It's good stuff, people. Life has been very good, as it always is to me. xo


  1. I loved seeing a post from you on my feed this morning! :)

    It sounds like you've been having a lot of fun Summer adventures. I love all of the pictures! :)

    Amy @

    1. Thanks for hanging around, Amy! I always love seeing your comments. xo

  2. Love everything about this post. Love you! It encourages me to take more photos of Linc especially with us.

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