Recap on a Tuesday, my specialty ;)
It was a packed weekend and just when I thought I couldn't possibly implement another big life change into this year...another came around the corner.
I've talked a little bit about how things have changed at my job since my boss left last year, but I haven't gone into too much detail just because this blog is technically a public space and I never wanted someone to stumble upon it and read something disrespectful, not that I'd ever use this medium to disrespect anyone, more like vent, if you will.
So I'm sure it wouldn't come as a surprise to know that I've been job searching for the last year, but have up come up empty at every turn. I've submitted at least twenty applications and that's me being picky. I've had a few interviews, turned down a second interview, was rejected at the last interview stage, etc. It's been an exhausting process to say the least but I know my experience isn't a unique one and people usually have it much worse or more riding on their employment status than I do.
But patience, it turns out, is a virtue. I had met with the Creative Director of another local publishing house because she used to work with my former boss who highly recommended I reach out to her. I sent the company my resume and a cover letter at the beginning of this year and I heard back the next day with them asking if I'd come in just to have a chat. They weren't currently hiring, but they were "impressed" with my letter and how I presented myself and wanted to meet me. My former boss thinks incredibly highly of this Creative Director, but the Creative Director thinks very highly of my boss as well, so I'm sure saying that I used to work for her helped get me in the door too.
Our meeting went really well, I vibed with all the employees, especially the CD, so I was a little disappointed when nothing seemed to come of it even though I knew they weren't in a position to hire. She wanted to keep in touch, so we had sent friendly emails back and forth for the next few months, but by the summer, I hadn't heard from her in a while. Turns out that's because they were busy buying content from a UK publisher (which was a big deal in the publishing industry) and moving their entire office into a new space.
Low and behold, I heard from her just last week. She said she was interested to see what I was up to and ended up sending a job posting before they went public with it. I told her I was VERY interested, to say the least, and she asked me to come to their office on Friday where she promptly offered me the job. Sammy dropped me off at the interview because we had plans to go shopping afterward, and he was so cute when I got back in the car and told him I got the job. And then we went out for sushi to celebrate. :)
I was on cloud nine for the rest of the day (okay, I still am!) and refreshed my email only a dozen times looking for the official offer letter while we stopped in a few stores. I spotted a few of my new employer's books in every store we went to which I don't think will ever get old.
The offer letter came that afternoon and after dealing with a few technical difficulties (I had to print several forms, sign them, scan, and send them back and of course our printer wasn't cooperating), I was able to send them back on Sunday.
In the meantime, we did a lot of lounging from Friday afternoon into the evening and it was great.
Saturday morning we got up and lounged a little bit.
Which only lasted about thirty seconds when Henry decided he needed to lounge by himself. Got it from his momma.
We got ready in the afternoon before heading out with a few of Sammy's friends to attend a wedding of one of their coworker's.
The venue was only about ten minutes from our house (something that never happens, I swear we're not close to any party we're invited to haha) which was awesome. The ceremony was short and very sweet.
Sammy is obsessed with these guys, and I'm eternally grateful and relieved he found such amazing friends to walk this police journey with.
And super grateful they have wonderful girlfriends I can call friends.
These two were so happy and it was so sweet. The guys kept talking about how they have never seen the groom so happy in their entire lives (he's a serious man of few words), so to see him smile all night long was so nice.
There's that $30 Amazon find! I got compliments on it all night, so well worth the money I think.
Sunday morning we slept in a little bit (as much as you can when you have a puppy) and then went downstairs to lounge around before Sammy had to go to work.
This guy napped on and off all day, and I was pretty grateful for the break and the chance to enjoy a lazy Sunday. I wonder what's going to happen when he gets too big and won't fit under this chair anymore...
We discovered we can cool off by lying next to the vents and that was pretty fun ;)
I made white chicken chili and really liked it. I didn't have green chiles which I love so I was disappointed about missing that flavor, but I added in corn instead and enjoyed the sweetness it added to the spices.
I snacked on some of my favorite things courtesy of my dad, caught up on my recorded Ellens, and watched Sierra Burgess Is a Loser on Netflix and liked it a lot!
And this guy just kept on napping.
I really liked this chili with tortilla chips but would have loved it with corn bread. I think it was a little too rich for Sammy (it has heavy cream and cream cheese in it, my kind of recipe), so it may not be on heavy rotation but I'll definitely make it again. It actually would make a great dip in a smaller portion.
And the napping continued...
I watched Seinfeld for the rest of the night and tried to relax but have to admit I was developing major "Sunday Scaries" by the time the sun went down. I wasn't nervous to go into work (like I usually am on Sunday nights) because I knew I'd be handing in my resignation so my workload was going to go from proactive mode to wrapping things up before I leave mode and the energy was just going to be different and all that, but it was the fear of not knowing how the resigning was going to be received that was getting to me. My girlfriend reassured me by saying that it's definitely a nerve-wracking thing to do, but if it's received poorly, that's more justification that leaving is the right thing to do.
I finally tapered some of that anxiety enough to get ready to go to bed. I thought I would quickly introduce Henry to our bed (because we eventually want him to sleep with us and I don't want him to be surprised when we let him come up and then freak out about this new place he has haha) to which he responded by spotting himself in the mirror again and wouldn't move from this position until I carried him off haha. He looks so big to me here!
In any case, yesterday went extremely well. My boss took the news well and was very kind about it which I appreciate.
An official announcement hasn't been made to the company yet (for seemingly no apparent reason), but my last day will be next Friday, the 28th. I've told the people I wanted to tell because I didn't want them to be blindsided by an email or offended I didn't tell them personally. I care about so many people I work with and definitely take pride in fostering the relationships I have with them.
I can't wait to share more about my new job--I'm so excited for this move in my career and the opportunity to work with this company. They make THE cutest books, and I can't wait to champion them.
But all in all, the weekend was packed with all the things: another life change, a wedding, some family time, lounging, cooking, laughing, etc. Another weekend to prove blessings on blessings.
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