There was a multitude of celebrations this past weekend, which is how every weekend is going to look this April!
We celebrated my dad's birthday on Saturday, went to a baby shower Sunday afternoon, and Sammy and I celebrated our anniversary Sunday evening.
Even though there was a lot going on, I woke up today feeling like the weekend seemed so long! Gotta love when weekends feel that way.
We started at Allen's Corner to kick off my dad's birthday celebrations. I got the hash skillet which is nutso good and split the biscuits and gravy with my brother.
Their biscuits and gravy are always sold out by the time we get there, so be to able to have them was a treat that we made way too big a deal out of.
We spent the entire day with my dad which included stops at a candy store in McHenry and the old movie theatre in downtown Libertyville before heading back to my house so he could open gifts before dinner.
I got reservations at Burt's which has recently reopened since Burt passed away last year. We were super excited to try the pizza since we all think Burt's is the best pizza in Chicago, no question. Unfortunately, they seem to be still getting their bearings as they've only been open about a month and the pizza wasn't quite like how Burt used to make it. He was teaching the new owners his tricks before he passed away, so maybe they need a little more time to get it right.
We finished the night at Comet's with some sundaes and malts :) It was a DAY filled with nonstop eating, but there isn't any other way to celebrate this guy. He's our favorite man on earth and we're so crazy lucky he's our dad.

On Sunday afternoon, I went to Sammy's sister-in-law's first baby shower. It was at a beautiful country club in Barrington with lovely views of the golf course.

They don't know if they're having a girl or boy, so the pink and blue details around the room were a sweet touch. I'm excited for her second shower I'm helping to throw with Sammy's mom next May! It's bee themed and a little more gender neutral which I think will be really lovely.
After the shower, I headed over to Sammy's and we spent the late afternoon and evening together for our 11th anniversary. We celebrated by taking a walk to enjoy the 70 degree weather we got yesterday (!!) and lounging around. He wanted to do more, but I just wanted to spend time together and keep it pretty low key.
Some days I can't fathom that we've been dating for eleven years, and some days when he's driving me nuts, I definitely can ;) I've known him for more than half of my life and everyone knows us as the couple who got "married" in second grade. (It is absolutely as embarrassing as it sounds and no one will let us forget about it.)
I wrote on social media that this year has been my favorite and it definitely has. We've come into ourselves individually and as a couple more in this year alone than we have in the previous ten years combined. While I know we've only scratched the surface and will experience more hard times together, it's been so nice to reach this sweet spot in our relationship. I told him yesterday that while I was at the baby shower, all I kept thinking was how excited I am to do all "that stuff" with him. Couldn't have asked for a better partner to do life with.
In between all the celebrating, I finally succumbed to British television. Everyone in my department is obsessed with British tv and British culture, so I always felt pretty left out when they'd talk about how good everything was. A coworker told me I should start watching the Great British Bake Off since several seasons are on Netflix now, so I started that Friday night and have been binge watching all weekend.
I am officially obsessed. Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood are no joke. Someone described it to me as being really relaxing to watch, and it absolutely is. I love watching it before bed. They're all so British it hurts. I accidentally saw who the winner is for the first season when I went to save this picture and I'm way too upset that I spoiled it for myself.
Everyone at work is really into The Crown on Netflix, but I decided to start with Victoria on Masterpiece Theatre instead. I kind of wanted to go in order of the monarchies because I'm a huge nerd. Plus, Sammy's aunt is really into Masterpiece Theatre and she's been watching Victoria, so I figured with the baby/bridal showers and Easter coming up, her and I would have a lot to gush over.
I've only seen the first episode and part of the second and already I'm so into it. I was gutted after the first episode. Sammy's aunt calls it "delectable" and she's so right. Jenna Coleman is amazing as Queen Victoria and like stop-you-in-your-tracks gorgeous.
Safe to say I've drank the British kool-aid. Here and there I get slightly annoyed with how calm and poised they are (how can you be so effortlessly poised?!), but then I see Mary Berry's face and I'm like k, whatever, it's all fine.
Has anyone been watching? Would love to gush over Lord Melbourne with literally anyone. ;)
*Linking up with Biana
My husband is one of those people that loves british tv and i feel left out too LOL! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
ReplyDeleteThe Great British Baking Show is the best show on Netflix. I've watched all the seasons, and can't wait until they update it. I love it so much!