Monday, May 4, 2015

Weekend Recap

Hey, people!

I'm not back as quickly as I would have liked to been but I'm back! {and hopefully here to stay and post more regularly... I've missed this world so much}

I wanted to do a quick weekend recap. I want to get into a consistent pattern of posting these because I feel like they'll be fun for me to look back on one day. {not that my weekends are always bursting at the seams with "blog worthy" events but they're special to me :) }

I have Fridays off {from my internship and from grad school} so I spent the day watching Netflix and working on a baby shower gift for my cousin. I'm not the most crafty so suffice it to say it took me several hours to complete the tiniest corner of this project. I did this until I couldn't stand my own glacial pace anymore and until my boyfriend got off work so we could go see The Avengers. His request, not mine, although I did end up really enjoying it.
Action/Super hero movies have become my guilty pleasure. I'm kind of a sucker for corny one liners and anything completely over dramatic. {also I love berating my boyfriend with questions so he has to explain every plot line to every super hero, ever. Which he loves to do, obviously ;) } One of my favorite things about my relationship is how often we indulge and encourage each other's inner child. My boyfriend has loved super heroes since he was a kid {super typical, I know} but has only started talking about his love of them until recently and we've been dating for nine years! He came with  me to see Cinderella {which I was counting down the days to since my inner child has a Disney princess obsession} so I go with him to see these guys.

On Saturday, I spent the morning doing homework and sipping coffee slowly which was nice for a change. My boyfriend had to help his uncle move some furniture since they're undergoing some remodels in their home right now so we spent the afternoon helping and visiting with them. Then we had dinner outside at a local restaurant while trying to figure out if we were going to watch the Mayweather/Pacquiao fight with some friends. 

I was starving so here's the aftermath of that dinner 
After a long deliberation {my boyfriend and his friends can't ever get it together} we decided we didn't want to pay the outrageous covers all the bars were charging to watch the fight and we called it a night. I was clearly super disappointed. ;)

On Sunday I had to work {I work part time at our park district to make some extra money #poorgradstudentproblems} so I rode my bike to get some of that cardio in, which I hate {cardio, not the bike}but it was a lovely Spring day and everything seemed to have bloomed over night so I really enjoyed the ride and having that alone time.  Then in the afternoon my boyfriend and I took a walk to get some fro-yo. We were supposed to go the night before but forgot so he promised we could go on Sunday. He feels my fro-yo cravings passionately, Then we spent the night binge watching Lost {we're late to the party but are now totally obsessed} and House Hunters. We love our Netflix. After he left I got myself together for Monday so I wouldn't be in a rush this morning, even though I totally still was, and got in bed early only to stay up until almost 2am finishing Sex and the City for the 800th time and eating Trader Joe snacks in bed. Jesus, do I do anything besides watch tv and eat? I have to get out more ;)

I love weekends like these where I felt relatively productive and moderately active yet still was able to keep it low key and spend time with the people I love. 

Hope you all had a great weekend!

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