Sunday, December 14, 2014

a photo album & a gift about nothing {blogmas14}

Today's #blogmas14 prompt is about our favorite Christmas gift and one of the first things that comes to mind is a gift my grandparents made us last Christmas. 

It's not an over the top gift in it's monetary value or in it's physical size but it is of significant importance to me emotionally because it was the last gift my grandpa worked on with my grandmother before he died last year on Christmas Eve. They had made each one of their six grandchildren our own personalized photo albums and when we all opened them up together on Christmas day we all felt his love and his presence especially strong. 
Wasn't he a handsome man? :)

While I was trying to think of one of my favorite gifts I've received, one of my favorite gifts I've ever given came to mind which I'd also like to share. 

We're a big Seinfeld family. We love the show (if there are any fans reading you would have caught the title of this post as a nod to a "show about nothing") and we love the man. So, when I found out he was coming to Chicago a couple years ago I jumped on the idea of getting tickets to his stand up for my father and my brother who are the two biggest fans I know. My mom and I split the cost of their two tickets and got two more for us. He was phenomenal. Seriously. 

Below are my brother and father's reactions (which are relatively astounding considering they're the two hardest people to get "big" reactions out of):

This was a few years ago and I can't believe how young my brother looks!

"Jerry Seinfled?!" 

It was a lot of fun to surprise them with these tickets because they've been a fan of his for so long. My  Dad watched every week when the show originally aired (my Dad actually reminds me a lot of Jerry Seinfeld personality wise) and my brother obsessively knows every line from every episode.. including the episode titles. 


I was a little late today (okay...a  lot late) but I still wanted to participate! What was your favorite holiday gift? Can't wait to read about them. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekends!
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