First of all... HOW am I doing a "currently" post for May? Like how is it even May? I don't understand. It's crazy how close we are to summer and there's so much coming up! A lot of excitement in the air.
Reading: Man, I'm reading like 8 things right now. It's so annoying. I need to go back to finishing one thing before moving on to another. I recently got Wallflower at the Orgy by my Queen Nora Ephron and I've been reading that. I've also been reading Best American Short Stories 2015 and Best American Essays 2015. Also, been paging through Brave Enough by Cheryl Strayed because she slays my life.
Playing: Huh, great question. I should play more. I guess I played bags a few weekends ago with Sammy. And owned his life for one game. So there's the highlight of my athletic career.
Watching: New show? I started watching The Catch because if Shonda creates it, I watch it {except Grey's because I had to like get on with my life}. Old show? The Office which I realize is a HUGE shock to everyone.
Trying: To keep everything in life balanced. A constant battle.
Cooking: I recently made ham, cheese, and egg braided breakfast sandwiches for my momma on mother's day from a Buzzfeed Tasty video I saw on my facebook feed. My mom loved them and the leftovers were a hit with the rest of my family.
Eating: Trying to get back on track with this weight watchers game. I just followed like 37 instagram accounts to get motivated again. So hopefully I'll be eating better soon {as I contemplate what to get from the vending machine...}
Drinking: Just had my first sip of water for the day since I'm gross {it's 5:22 pm} but I had a rootbeer with lunch.
Calling: Need to get better at calling people, my grandma in particular. I used to call her everyday. Ugh.
Texting: My lovely girlfriends, Sammy, parents, cousins... the usual.
Pinning: Mostly engagement party related stuff, Disney stuff, and anything my girlfriend pins for her wedding since we're the same person and I'm clearly planning on having the same wedding as her some day. So fun for her.
Tweeting: My last tweet was about Anne of Green Gables because I want her life.
Going: To my coworker's wedding this weekend!
Loving: All the plans popping up for summer already!
Hating: Mmm, I don't know that I hate much but maybe disliking how stressful the last few weeks have been. I think I'm on the upswing after this week and I'm looking forward to simply enjoying the last few weeks of grad school.
Discovering: How close I am to the end of my education {for now}. It's absolutely crazy. It's going to be a huge transition, that's for sure.
Thinking: About what I'm going to eat next, how slow my phone is charging, if my rent the runway dress is going to come in time for said wedding, if I'm going to fit in said dress, and again, what I'm going to eat next.
Feeling: Anxious {always do before class}, tired, hungry {but not really but also yes}.
Hoping (for): An easy class tonight and to not get sick {my throat is a little scratchy and everyone I know has been sick the last two weeks so I'm worried I'll be catching that}.
Listening (to): Some random shit on spotify in an attempt to know what music is popular nowadays except I end up getting annoyed in like ten minutes and ultimately go back to Frank Sinatra. #living
Celebrating: My coworker's marriage this weekend! This past weekend I celebrated my best friend saying yes to her wedding dress! Soon we'll be celebrating at their engagement party and my graduation will be the following weekend. Ah!
Smelling: Whatever the hallway smells like at DePaul 'cause that's where I'm at.
Ordering: I have an outstanding grocery order on the app on my phone, need to order a baby gift, and some stuff for the engagement party soon!
Thankful for: All the celebrations coming up. It's going to be a really fun next two months.
Considering: Getting something from the vending didn't we already go over this?
Starting: A new chapter pretty soon.
Finishing: Grad school and it's crazy and stupid and wonderful.